
How To Color Over Lineart In Procreate

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Have you ever drawn something elaborate in Procreate just to realize that it's all the wrong color? Yeah, me too. Many times. Luckily, Procreate makes it actually easy to change the color of a layer, whether yous desire to change the color of an entire layer, or just the elements inside it.

To change the color of a layer in Procreate, make sure your desired layer is selected. Drag your color onto your sail and permit go in order to fill your layer with color. To color elements within your layer, either use the Color Fill option within the Option Tool or use the Alpha Lock characteristic.

At that place are multiple ways to modify the colors of your layers in Procreate. Don't worry; we'll exist diving into all of them.

But, if you came to this mail service looking for info about the Recolor tool, listen up! Recolor no longer exists in your Adjustments bill of fare. The Procreate team did an update of the software and got rid of the button.

And so, if you came here wondering if your Recolor tool disappeared from your Adjustments menu…well, information technology did…

Only, Recolor didn't become away altogether! At that place is even so a fashion to admission it, which nosotros'll swoop into equally an option for coloring your layers and elements.

At that place are also a number of other great ways to color your layers in Procreate though, and so let's dive into them already.

1. Employ Color Drib to Change the Color of Your Entire Layer or Layer Elements

If you lot want to completely fill your entire Procreate layer with color, drag your colour into your sheet, but not into a specific element. This volition flood your layer with color. If you want to change the color of specific elements, drag your colour into your desired element.

In that location aren't a lot of times when you would want to flood your unabridged layer with color. That said, if you ever do, all you need to exercise is elevate your color into your canvas.

Just make certain that you have the correct layer selected and that you pick an empty spot of your canvas that doesn't accept an element in information technology.

This can exist useful if you lot want to utilise a divide layer as your background instead of the designated groundwork layer. You may want to do this if you plan to draw on your background.

When doing so, just make sure that you move your new "background layer" to the lesser of your layers list below all of your other layers, or lower the layer's opacity. If you don't, this big splotch of colour will cover all of your elements.

procreate color drop full layer
This is what tin can happen if you don't move your layer afterwards you lot've filled it with colour.

Now, permit's say that y'all want to change the color of specific elements on your sheet. Firstly, make sure y'all have the correct layer selected.

Next, drag your color into the chemical element you desire to modify the color of.

procreate color drop for elements

Important note: your chemical element needs to exist airtight. This means that you can't have whatsoever gaps in your lines. If you try to elevate color into one of your elements and it fills your entire canvas instead, this means you have a gap in your lines somewhere.

procreate gaps in lines

Zoom in on your element and scan through your lines until you find the gap. Connect your lines and try filling your element again. This should set up the problem. If it doesn't, you lot take another gap hiding somewhere.

How to Change the Color of Your Procreate Lines

You can employ Procreate's color drib characteristic to change the color of your lines. Zoom in on your line so that y'all tin precisely drib your color on your line. This will change the color of your lines to the ane you lot have selected inside the color wheel.

For case, let's say you accept a circumvolve. If you desire to fill your circle with colour, elevate your colour into the middle of your circumvolve. If you lot just want to change the color of the outline of your circle, drop your color forth your outlined line.

When you're changing the colors of your lines, it tin can be tricky to drop your colors directly on your lines, especially if your lines are thin. This is where zooming in will work in your favor! Zoom in equally much equally needed and so that you can accurately drop your colors on your lines.

2. Use Color Drop or the Quick Menu to Admission the Recolor Tool

When you apply Color Drop, you'll see a button appear that prompts yous to go on coloring your blueprint with Recolor. Click on that to use Recolor to continue coloring your design. Yous can also add Recolor to your Quick Menu for use without Color Drop.

You may have noticed that, when yous utilise Color Drop to overflowing an element or layer with color, a push button appears nigh your top carte du jour bar that prompts you to go on coloring your design with Recolor.

Click on it.

Now you lot tin can click on other elements in your design to color them in the aforementioned color with the Recolor tool.

Procreate recolor tool

If you want to access the Recolor function without using Color Drop first, there's a style to do that with the Quick menu. Hither'due south how:

ane. Hold the square on the left hand side of your screen. Information technology's the one in betwixt your sliders.

procreate sliders

ii. While property the square, tap your screen.

three. Your Quick Card will open.

procreate quick menu

iv. Hold downwardly on one of the Quick Carte options until a menu of additional options appears.

v. Ringlet until you notice the Recolor option.

procreate adding recolor to the quick menu

vi. Tap on Recolor to add together it to your Quick Card.

7. Now you can access Recolor whenever y'all open up your Quick Menu.

While it's a bummer that Recolor was removed from the Adjustments tab, the Quick Bill of fare is an awesome feature that you should be taking full advantage of anyways.

If y'all like using Recolor, it'due south worth it to add it to your Quick Carte so that you tin can access it easily.

The color drib feature isn't your just choice for irresolute your colors in Procreate. Let's talk about what the Colour Make full tool can do.

lock layers in Procreate
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3. Use the Color Fill Tool to Change the Color of Elements on Your Procreate Layer

To use the Colour Fill tool, the get-go matter you lot demand to practice is make sure you have the correct layer and color selected. Next, click on the Selection tool in the top carte du jour bar and choose the Color Fill tool on the lesser right. Lastly, tap on any elements to color them with your desired color.

I Honey the Color Fill tool, but it does take some getting used to. Hither's a footstep-by-stride guide on how to utilize information technology:

ane. Open your layers console and cull your desired layer.

procreate layers panel

Your "desired" layer is the one that has the elements you want to color on it. Your elements might be on multiple layers. If so, repeat this process for each layer.

My experience is that the Color Fill tool doesn't work well with multiple layers at once. It will acknowledge the offset layer that yous selected, only not the others. So, my default is to employ the Color Fill tool with one layer at a time.

It'southward important that you choose your desired layer before y'all move on to the side by side steps.

If y'all open the layers panel one time you lot've activated the Color Fill tool, it will kick you out of the Color Fill up tool.

Of course, it'southward non a huge bargain to open up the Colour Fill up tool again, but it tin get annoying if it happens too often, so but get in the practice of checking that you lot accept the correct layer selected before moving on.

ii. Open up the colour panel and choose the color you want

procreate color panel

Once y'all accept your layer selected, it'south time to choose the colour yous want. Luckily, you don't have to be likewise precious near this. Different the layers panel, you lot can open the color panel without getting kicked out of the color fill tool.

This is great because it means that you can play around with dissimilar colors and experiment with things.

It too means that you tin can choose different colors for your unlike elements without having to reopen the Color Fill tool each time.

3. Open the Choice tool

procreate selection tool

The Pick tool is in the top menu bar and has an icon that looks like the letter "S"

4. Choose the Color Fill pick with the Automatic setting selected

procreate color fill

One time you've opened the Selection tool, you'll demand to click on the Color Fill selection inside the bottom control console that appears. The Color Fill tool is on the lesser right and has a paint bucket icon.

5. Click on elements you want to recolor

procreate color fill tool

Here is where things go fun and interesting.

It'southward of import to retrieve that the Color Fill tool is layer specific. It will respond based on the layer you accept selected. This ways that if ane of your elements isn't on that layer, it won't recolor information technology.

To use the Color Fill up tool, all you need to do is click on your elements. This will apply your color to them.

As yous recolor your elements, you can click on your outlines to solely recolor your outlines.

Or, you can click inside your element to fill up it in with color.

The Color Fill tool works similarly to the colour drop option in this way.

Simply, go along in mind that it's LAYER SPECIFIC! Did I say that loud plenty? If yous click on something that isn't on your selected layer, it will probable fill your canvas with colour, using any elements that ARE on your selected layer every bit a barrier.

This tin can go tricky to explain, and then the best thing to do is experiment with it. Run across what happens when y'all click on various elements and add various colors to your work.

Lastly, let's talk about one more than way that y'all can change the colour of your layer in Procreate. I personally recall that this one is pretty fun.

procreate layer limits
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iv. Employ Alpha Lock to Color Inside the Lines and Change the Color of Your Elements in Procreate

The Alpha Lock tool makes it quick and like shooting fish in a barrel to "color inside the lines" of any elements in your called Procreate layer. This means that you can quickly color in an element, either partially or fully, without going exterior of the bulwark of your elements.

I have a total guide on how to colour inside with lines with Procreate'south Blastoff Lock tool. This will tell yous everything you need to know about what the Alpha Lock tool can exercise.

how to share procreate images with layers
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For the purposes of this article, we'll talk about Blastoff Lock in relation to recoloring your Procreate layers.

Basically, when yous turn on Alpha Lock, you can only color on summit of paint that has already been laid downward on that layer (plow on Alpha Lock by clicking on your layer and choosing "Alpha Lock" from the drop downwards menu that appears).

procreate alpha lock

So, let's say that I take my circumvolve. When I plough on Alpha Lock, I tin only color within the premises of that circle, every bit long as the circle has paint in it. If the circumvolve is hollow, I volition only be able to color over the outline.

Rule of pollex: when Alpha Lock is enabled, you tin only color over paint that already exists on your layer.

Again, read my guide on coloring with the Blastoff Lock tool to learn more.

Using the Alpha Lock tool is a Peachy option is you need to make designs in your elements, or only partially recolor them.

All of the other options we've talked nigh volition fully flood your elements with your new color.

The Alpha Lock tool will let you command how much of your new colour gets put onto your elements. This lets you lot exist more precise and particular virtually how you recolor your elements, without fully washing over them with your new color.

While it'southward a bummer that the Recolor tool is gone, in that location are withal a couple of corking ways to change the colors on your layers. Cull the one that works for y'all, depending on your project, and have fun with it!

How To Color Over Lineart In Procreate,


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